Specials met Andres Galindo op 7 februari en 22 maart 2025.
Healing Yin & Soul Meditation - Friday 7th of February 18:00 to 20:30
A relaxing, soothing, and cozy evening with soft Yin poses that gradually alleviate the tension from our week’s stress and allow the Chi/Prana to travel through our subtle and gross bodies nice and easy. Accompanied by Soul meditation, which draws from the principles of Tibetan vipassana to allow authentic free reconnection to our soul energy level.
-Opening circle with Mantra singing.
-Free dance & movement (with music & beat).
-Couple grounding exercises (in community safe-space spirit: helping each other ground).
-Yin Yoga session with emphasis on somatic release. (Releasing somatized emotions from our body).
-Hypno-Nidra (resetting and re-charging our dreams to allow inner transformation).
-Atman Meditation (connection with our inner heart).
-Friendly relaxed atmosphere & social connection.
Friday 7th of February – 18:00 to 20:30
For 29,- € p.p. Schrijf je in via deze link: https://da-luz.trainin.app/checkout/PRBB6V
Stress Release & Mantra Grounding - Saturday 22nd March 13:00 to 15:00
We begin with a flow of free movement that gradually transitions into a flow of life, releasing fear, tension, and anxiety by showering our physical body and inner soul with Prana/vital energy.
Creating moments of vivid epiphanies and theta waves in the brain (those that bring deep relaxation and creativity) followed by Mantra live songs and guided meditations to provide foundational ground and inspiration for our dreams and projects to rest upon free of obstacles.
-Opening circle, intentions, and Pranayama.
-Shaking & warming up (with music & beat).
-TRE (Tension & Trauma Release Exercises).
-Couple breathwork & connection exercises (energy work & connecting our nervous system in couples).
-Yin Yoga session with emphasis on somatic release. (Releasing somatized emotions from our body).
-Grounding Nidra (rooting our body to rise our spirit)
-Kirtan Mantra Meditation ( singing with devotion, liberating our mind).
-Friendly relaxed atmosphere & social connection.
Saturday 22nd March – 13:00 – 15:00
For 29,- € p.p. Schrijf je in via deze link: https://da-luz.trainin.app/checkout/P2EE89